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Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2024)

Introduction | Page 1

Preface and Issue Overview

Schwartz, Bryan P.; MacPherson, Darcy L.

Article | Page 2

Loyalty, Conscience, and Withdrawal: Are Government Lawyers Different?

Martin, Andrew Flavelle

Article | Page 21

Wage Restraint in Manitoba: Is Freedom “Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose”?

Curran, Bruce

Article | Page 65

Can a Tribunal's Former Counsel Appear Before the Tribunal? A Comment on Certain Container Chassis

Martin, Andrew Flavelle

Article | Page 88

Off to the Races: Bill 31 The Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and Pari-Mutuel Levy Act Amended)

Gowler, Lauren

Article | Page 115

Interview with the Honourable Steven Fletcher

MacPherson, Darcy L; Schwartz, Bryan P.

Issue 1: Underneath the Golden Boy (2018)

Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan P.; MacPherson, Darcy L.

Keynote | Page 1

Guth Lecture 2018: Statutory Interpretation - Then and Now

Helmmoltz, Richard H.

Article | Page 21

Evaluating Manitoba’s Automobile Injury Mediation Pilot Project

Schulz, Jennifer L.

Article | Page 131

Law Students’ Responses to Innovation: A Study of Perspectives in Respect of Digital Knowledge Transmission, Flipped Classrooms, Video Capsules and Other Means of Classroom Dissemination

Jochelson, Richard; Ireland, David

Article | Page 161

A Horse Gallops Down a Street... Policing and the Resilience of the Common Law

Burchill, John

Article | Page 211

The Constitutionality of the Federal Carbon Pricing Benchmark & Backstop Proposals

Schwartz, Bryan P.

Article | Page 317

Public Inquiries’ Terms of Reference: Lessons from the Past – And for the Future

Kennedy, Gerard J.

Article | Page 343

It’s Here, but it was Never “Brought into the Jurisdiction”?: The Policy Implications of Re: Hughes on Issues of Conflict-of-Laws Under the PPSA

MacPherson, Darcy L.

Article | Page 377

Farm Debt Compromises During the Great Depression: An Empirical Study of Applications Made Under the Farmers’ Creditors Arrangement Act in Morden and Brandon, Manitoba

Torrie, Virginia

Article | Page 435

Saved by the Bell: The 2015 Legislative Assembly Rules Changes

Wickstrom, Ben

Article | Page 461

Bill 203: The Legal Profession Amendment Act (Queen’s Counsel Appointments)

Alnaji, Yassir

Article | Page 479

The Enactment of Bill 5, The Francophone Community Enhancement and Support Act: A Proud Moment for Manitoba

Smart-Carvalho, Constancia

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2017)

Preface | Page i


MacPherson, Darcy L.

Legislative Review | Page 1

Manitoba's Changes to Workers Compensation Legislation regarding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Analysis and Legislative Process

Fien, Nora

Legislative Review | Page 29

Bill 34: The Safer Roads Act (Drivers and Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act Amended)

Intrater, Collin

Legislative Review | Page 55

Reflections on Bill 11: The Domestic Violence and Stalking Amendment Act

Day, Erika

Legislative Review | Page 87

Bill 5: The Police Services Amendment Act (First Nation Safety Officers)

Magnifico, Danielle

Policy Review | Page 123

A Prevention Strategy: Eliminating FASD in Indigenous Communities

Schwartz, Bryan P.; Laukkanen, Terrence; Smith, Justine

Policy Review | Page 249

Wiretapping Smart Phones with Rotary-Dial Phones' Law: How Canada's Wiretap Law Is in Desperate Need of Updating

Turner, Anne

Policy Review | Page 299

To Vape, or Not to Vape: Electronic Cigarettes and the Ambiguous State of Their Legality in Canada

Raveendrabose, Ranish

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2015)

Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan P.

Legislative Review | Page 1

The Restorative Justice Act: An Enhancement to Justice in Manitoba?

Courtemanche, Zachary T.

Legislative Review | Page 17

Will the Reform Act, 2014, Alter the Canadian Phenomenon of Party Discipline

Geisler, Paul

Legislative Review | Page 44

All Talk with Very Little Action: Bill 26, the Accessibility for Manitobans Act

Hamm, Sharyne

Legislative Review | Page 65

Bill 2: The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Safety of Workers in Highway Construction Zones)

Hnatiuk, Andreq

Legislative Review | Page 83

The New West: Bill 202 and Manitoba's Future in the New West Partnership

Morry, Joshua

Policy Review | Page 102

On We Go to Manitoba's Next Provincial Election: Whither the NDP?

Levasseur, Karine

Policy Review | Page 123

Municipalities Amalgamate in Manitoba: Moving towards Rural Regions

Ashton, William; Kelly, Wayne; Bollman, Ray

Policy Review | Page 155

Climate Change Policy in Manitoba: A Small Province Looking to Punch above Its Weight

Boyd, Brendan

Policy Review | Page 184

Policy Design in Rural Manitoba: Alternatives and Opportunities in the Midst of Change

Hallstrom, Lars K.; Ashton, William; Bollman, Ray; Gibson, Ryan; Johnson, Thomas

Policy Review | Page 220

Flooding of First Nations and Environmental Justice in Manitoba: Case Studies of the Impacts of the 2011 Flood and Hydro Development in Manitoba

Thompson, Shirley

Policy Review | Page 260

Beyond Instrument Choice: Micro-Level Policy Design in Manitoba's Child Care System

Whiteford, Sarah

Appendix | Page 284

Appendix A: Manitoba Policy Facts and Trends

Appendix | Page 294

Appendix B: Facts and Figures

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2014)

Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan P.

Interview | Page 1

An Interview with the Justice Minister and Attorney General of Manitoba

Swan, Andrew

Interview | Page 17

Interview with Kelvin Goertzen

Goertzen, Kelvin

Interview | Page 41

An Interview with Rana Bokhari, Liberal Party Leader

Bokhari, Rana

Interview | Page 61

Interview with James Beddome

Beddome, James

Legislative Review | Page 83

The Future of Education in Manitoba - Bill 12 - The Community Schools Act

Emond, Kyle

Legislative Review | Page 109

Bill 28: The Health Services Insurance Amendment and Hospitals Amendment Act (Admitting Privileges)

Brown, Sherry

Legislative Review | Page 135

Bill 9 - An Act to Amend the Teachers' Society Act: A Lackluster Legislative Proces

Isaak, Jessica

Legislative Review | Page 153

Bill 33 - The Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)

Davenport, Jessica; Theule, Gerrit

Legislative Review | Page 177

Wedge Issue Politics in Manitoba: Bill 18 - The Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools)

Kinahan, Zachary; Senkbeil, Stacy; Carvell, Matthew

Policy Review | Page 207

Continued Instability in Manitoba: Deficits, Taxes, Elections, and Resetting Government

Levasseur, Karine

Policy Review | Page 229

Balanced Budget Legislation for Manitoba: Principles and Prospects

Simpson, Wayne

Policy Review | Page 259

Revitalizing Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion

Strobel, S. B.; Forget, E. L.

Policy Review | Page 277

Making the Case for an Aboriginal Labour Market Intermediary: A Community Based Solution to Improve Labour Market Outcomes for Aboriginal People in Manitoba

MacKinnon, Shauna

Policy Review | Page 303

Tagged and Turfless: Neo-liberal Justice and Youth Crime in Winnipeg

Buddle, Kathleen

Policy Review | Page 339

Is Justice Delayed, Justice Denied - Changing the Administration of the Winnipeg Family Violence Court

Ursel, Jane

Policy Review | Page 365

Revisiting Representativeness in the Manitoban Criminal Jury

Jochelson, Richard; Bertrand, Michelle I.; Lindsay, RCL; Smith, Andrew M.; Ventola, Michael; Kalmet, Natalie

Policy Review | Page 399

Building from the Ground up: Funding the Infrastructure Deficit in Manitoba

Grace, Joan

Policy Review | Page 425

Support and Inclusion for All Manitobans: Steps toward a Basic Income Scheme

Frankel, Sid; Mulvale, James P.

Appendix | Page 465

Manitoba Policy Facts and Trends Appendix A

Levasseur, Karine

Appendix | Page 479

Facts and Figures Appendix B

Appendix | Page 485

Bills Passed in the 2nd Session of the 40th Legislative Assembly Appendix C

Appendix | Page 507

Bills Passed in the 3rd Session of the 40th Legislative Assembly Appendix D

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2013)

Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan P.

Article | Page 1

Shareholder Proposals Mechanism under the Manitoba Corporations Act: A Proposal for Reform

Oshionebo, Evaristus

Article | Page 41

Subsections 43(7) and 43(8) of the PPSA: Arguments in Favour of Technical Amendments

MacPherson, Darcy L.

Article | Page 63

Parliament, We Don't Need No Stinking Parliament - A Comment on Sheldon Inwentash and Lynn Factor Charitable Foundation v the Queen

Doobay, Sunita D.; MacPherson, Darcy L.

Article | Page 77

If It Aint Broke Don't Fix It: Bill-6 - The Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act (Improved Fiscal Responsibility and Community Involvement)

Brown, Timothy

Article | Page 115

Bound for Glory: Bill-18, the Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools)

Short, Donn

Article | Page 137

Why Electoral Reform Failed in Ontario

Kuchapski, William

Article | Page 157

The Private Member Battleground: The Future of Private Member's Bills at the Manitoba Legislative Assembly

Stitt, Jason

Policy Reviews | Page 181

The Growing Instability in Manitoba: The Selinger Majority, Budgetary Reductions, and Increasing Taxes

Levasseur, Karine

Policy Reviews | Page 201

Enhancing Access to Justice: Some Recent Progress in Manitoba

Miller, Donna J.

Policy Reviews | Page 225

Investing in Manitoba's Future: Post-Secondary Education between 1999 and 2013

Rounce, Andrea D.

Policy Reviews | Page 269

Poverty Reduction in Manitoba under Neoliberalism: Is the Third War an Effective Way

Frankel, Sid

Research Study | Page 301

Establishing a Legal Framework for E-Voting in Canada Research Study

Schwartz, Bryan P.; Grice, Dan

Appendix | Page 419


Levasseur, Karine

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2012)

Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan P.; Hildebrand, Daniel

Article | Page 1

Democratizing the Regulation Making Process in Manitoba: Drawing on National and International Best Practices

Schwartz, Bryan P.; Armstrong, Matthew; Hildebrand, Daniel; Mozeson, Jonah

Article | Page 49

Law Reform in Corporate/Commercial Law in Manitoba: Pre-Incorporation Transactions - Part I

MacPherson, Darcy L.

Article | Page 85

Making the Transition from Lawyer to Lawyer-Politician in Canada: An Exploratory Study

Chatoor, Ralph A.

Article | Page 107

An All-Terrain Vehicle under the PPSA and Its Regulations: A Comment on Houle v Meyers, Norris, Penny Ltd.

MacPherson, Darcy L.; Brown, Edward D. (Ned)

Legislative Review | Page 135

The Five Stones: Bill 15, the Franchises Act Reviews: 4th Session, 39th Legislature

Wayne, Mary-Ellen

Legislative Review | Page 163

Bill 14, the Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Act Reviews: 4th Session, 39th Legislature

Kodak, Brett

Legislative Review | Page 183

Bill 25, the Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act (Scheduling of Criminal Organizations) Reviews: 4th Session, 39th Legislature

Jowett, Brendan

Legislative Review | Page 205

Bill 5, the Cottage Property Tax Increase Deferral Act: A Case Study in the Making of Useless Law Reviews: 4th Session, 39th Legislature

Lamothe, Kyle B.

Legislative Review | Page 221

Unnecessary Delay: Bill 47, the Accessibility Advisory Council Act and Amendments to the Government Purchases Act Reviews: 5th Session, 39th Legislature

Levasseur, Karine

Legislative Review | Page 237

Bill 40, the Condominium Act and Amendments respecting Condominium Conversions Reviews: 5th Session, 39th Legislature

Hildebrand, Daniel

Legislative Review | Page 257

Legislation to Combat Impaired Driving: Bill 12, the Highway Traffic Amendment and Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act Reviews: 5th Session, 39th Legislature

Doyle, Patricia E.

Legislative Review | Page 283

Bill 7, the Polar Bear Protection Amendment Act (International Polar Bear Conservation Centre) Reviews: 5th Session, 39th Legislature

Disenhouse, Josh

Appendix | Page 295


Issue 3: Underneath the Golden Boy (2011)

Preface | Page i

Underneath the Golden Boy: Preface

Schwartz, Bryan; Wayne, Mary-Ellen

Article | Page 1

Bill 28, the Strengthening Local Schools Act (Public Schools Act Amended)

Antonyshyn, Kevin

Article | Page 35

Bill 219: An Insurmountable Goal

Pope, Courtney

Article | Page 55

The 2008 Manitoba Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission: Efficacy and Equality

Miller, Landon

Article | Page 71

Bringing the Thin Blue Line into Line: Bill 16, the Police Services Act

Roberts, Jason E.

Article | Page 95

Stifling Innovation in Health Care: The Regional Health Authority System and Restriction on Private Actors

Schwartz, Bryan; Lamothe, Kyle B.

Article | Page 107

Heart of the Continent - The CentrePort Canada Act and the Future of Manitoba

Silicz, Michael

Article | Page 135

The Misguided Moratorium: Bill 17, the Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities)

Burns, Brendan

Article | Page 159

Bill 14: The Consumer Protection Amendment Act(Payday Loans)

Irving, Nathan

Article | Page 183

Devils Lake Outlet and the Need for Canada and the United States to Pursue a New Bilateral Understanding in the Management of Transboundary Waters

Signorelli, Andrea

Article | Page 215

Legislating Jordan's Principle: An Indirect Success

Nathanson, Adam

Appendix | Page 233

Bills Passed in the 3rd Session of the 39th Legislative Assembly Appendix A

Appendix | Page 263

Bills Passed in the 4th Session of the 39th Legislative Assembly Appendix B

Issue 1: Underneath the Golden Boy (2003)

Introduction | Page 1


Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Article | Page 5

Limiting Parliamentary Debate: The Inception of Closure and Time Allocation

Melrose, Erin

Event Summary | Page 31

The French Language Debate

Event Summary | Page 35

The Defeat of the Pawley Government

Event Summary | Page 39

The Meech Lake Accord

Event Summary | Page 43

The MTS Debate

Interview | Page 49

Interview with Gord Mackintosh

Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 61

Interview with Howard Pawley

Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 71

Interview with Andy Anstett

Schwartz, Bryan

Interview | Page 79

Interview with Roland Penner

Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 89

Interview with Steve Ashton

Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 99

Interview with Rick Mantey

Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 111

Interview with Stuart Murray

Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 117

Interview with Jon Gerrard

Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Interview | Page 12

Interview with Darren Praznik

Schwartz, Bryan; Melrose, Erin

Issue 2: Underneath the Golden Boy (2001)

Introduction | Page 129


Schwartz, Bryan; Rettie, Darla

Article | Page 133

Proportional Representation for Canada

Schwartz, Bryan

Interview | Page 187

Rick Mantey: Exposing the Invisible

Schwartz, Bryan; Rettie, Darla

Interview | Page 201

Norm Larsen: Draftstoevsky

Schwartz, Bryan; Rettie, Darla

Legislative Review | Page 213

The Electoral Divisions Amendment Act

Ziemba, Joe

Legislative Review | Page 227

The Wildlife Amendment Act

Bryson, Chantelle J.

Legislative Review | Page 245

The Protection for Persons in Care Act

Rettie, Darla

Legislative Review | Page 261

The Midwifery Act

Frost, Carolyn

Legislative Review | Page 269

The Domestic Violence and Stalking Prevention, Protection and Compensation Act

MacDonald, Bonnie

Legislative Review | Page 287

The Court Security Act

Zettler, Nancy


Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan

Article | Page 1

Bill 37: Battle Hymn of the Incumbent

Schwartz, Bryan; Buck, Andrew

Article | Page 21

A Proposed Hate Communication Restriction and Freedom of Expression Protection Act: A Possible Compromise to a Continuing Controversy

Lipsett, Edward H.

Article | Page 81

Effective Foreign Credential Recognition Legislation: Give It Some Teeth

Schwartz, Bryan; Dhillon-Penner, Natasha

Article | Page 99

Electronic Employee Monitoring: Potential Reform Options

Bueckert, Melanie R.

Review | Page 117

The Good Samaritan Protection Act: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make It Drink

Basarab, Kathrine

Review | Page 133

The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Prepaid Purchase Cards)

Nadler, Cindy

Review | Page 161

The Road to Hell: Examining The Organic Agricultural Products Act

Daniel, Meaghan

Review | Page 175

Apology Legislation: Should it be Safe to Apologize in Manitoba? An Assessment of Bill 202

Zylberman, Leandro

Review | Page 193

The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act

Jacobs, John

Review | Page 211

The Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act

Johnson, Ryan

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 229


2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 231

Franchise Law: Consultation Paper 2007

Manitoba Law Reform Commission

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 295

Response to Consutation Paper on Franchise Law

Schwartz, Bryan; Pozios, John; Zylberman, Leandro

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 353

Franchise Legislation and Associations Around the World

Schwartz, Bryan; Pozios, John; Zylberman, Leandro

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 403

Something Old, Something New: A Comparison of Canad’s Newest Franchise Legislation Against Existing Franchise Laws

Mochrie, Dominic; Zaid, Frank

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 427

Canadian Franchise Disclosure Laws: Exemptions and Exclusions: Analysis and Recommendations

Sotos, John; Trebilcock, Arthur J.

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 447

APPENDIX A: Bills Passed in the 1st Session of the 39th Legislative Assembly

2008 Franchise Symposium | Page 465

APPENDIX B: Bills Passed in the 2nd Session of the 39th Legislative Assembly


Introduction | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan

Article | Page 1

Fixed Date Elections

Schwartz, Bryan; Buck, Andrew

Article | Page 15


Schwartz, Bryan; Buck, Andrew

Article | Page 25

Partisan Advertising by Incumbent Governments

Schwartz, Bryan; Buck, Andrew

Article | Page 39

Minimum Sitting Dates

Schwartz, Bryan; Buck, Andrew

Review | Page 49

Employment Standards that Work for Women

Parkes, Debra

Review | Page 83

Response to Consultation Paper on Franchise Law

Schwartz, Bryan; Pozios, John; Zylberman, Leandro

Review | Page 145

Bill 210: The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bicycle Helmets)

Jackson, Lana

Review | Page 161

And Justice For All-Bill 47, The Legal Aid Services Society of Manitoba Amendments Act

Eagle, Judy

Review | Page 181

Bill 34, The Highway Traffic Amendment Act

Pullar, James

Review | Page 197

Prescription in the Public Interest? Bill 207, The Medical Amendment Act

Danyluk, Theresa Vandean

Review | Page 223

Bill 17, The Securities Amendment Act

Brar, Jasminder

Review | Page 235

Bill 11, The Winter Heating Cost Control Act

Hauk, Ryan

Review | Page 253

Bill 7, The Architects and Engineers Scope of Practice Dispute Settlement Act

Dueck, Alexandra

Review | Page 273

Bill 207, The Personal Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention Act

Muinuddin, Tariq

Appendix | Page 293

APPENDIX A: Bills Passed in the 3rd Session of the 38th Legislative Assembly

Appendix | Page 305

APPENDIX B: Bills Passed in the 4th Session of the 38th Legislative Assembly

Appendix | Page 317

APPENDIX C: Bills Passed in the 5th Session of the 38th Legislative Assembly


Preface | Page i


Schwartz, Bryan; Mantey, Rick

Article | Page 1

Electoral Reform in Canada: Addressing the Democratic Deficit

Tanguay, Brian

Article | Page 7

A Journalist's Perspective on Electoral Reform

Lett, Dan

Article | Page 13

The Citizens' Assembly of British Columbia: A Model for Electoral Reform

Gibson, Gordon

Article | Page 19

Valuing Canadians: The Case for Reforming Canada's Voting System

Rettie, Darla

Article | Page 25

On Leadership Styles

Valeri, Tony

Article | Page 35

Ongoing Public Service Reform

O'Hara, Kathy

Article | Page 45

Governance Reform: A Values Framework for Canadian Public Administration

Garven, Garnet

Article | Page 59

Engaging Citizens in the Public Policy Process

Batra, Adrienne

Article | Page 71

A Better Frame of Mind for Fiscal Decision Making: The Lesson of Behavioural Economics

Schwartz, Bryan; Robinson, Patrick

Article | Page 109

Parliamentary Reform

Toews, Vic

Article | Page 113

Effective Opposition vs. Efficient Government

Konrad, Derrek

Article | Page 123

Governance Reform

Alcock, Reg

Q&A | Page 129

Q&A with Reg Alcock

Alcock, Reg